Monday, November 1, 2010

Obviously my success was minimal.

I am not going to write blogs until further notice. NaNoWriMo started today and seeing how I posted only once in October and won't really have time to post in November, I'm considering this blog done for now. Hopefully I will come back to it some day, but until then I think I'll just follow my friend's advice and get a tumblr or whatever that is. Good day, friends.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


I am aware that it has been a very long time since I posted last. I'm sorry about that. Currently I am curled up with a large stuffed tiger in Detroit, MI, for my fall break. I am at a friend's house and we just arrived after a 10+ hour ride, but even though it is late, I decided that I would make the time for a post, no matter how small.

National Novel Writing Month is coming up in less than 20 days. I wish you the best of luck if you are participating. This will be my first year, so I'm interested to see how well I do and how I will fit it into my busy schedule. I'm going to be writing about superheros, of course, but maybe redoing some of the back story I've already written and not really basing characters off of people I know.

I am so tired and I have to wake up in six hours to go eat lunch with my friends grandmother, so I will get on later - promise.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Phase Two of Operation: Superhero is complete

I'm not even going to play this up. It's much less sciency, and not quite as much fun to write. Also, my hero has tons of things to learn about himself, his powers, and life in general.

Here's the link: Superhero

On another note, I have also created an awesome supervillain that will create problems and challenges for Pulse. Her name is The Red Thief and Teeheehee Iamsoexcited.

I think, since I have put so much effort into thinking up all of these ideas for my superhero world, and gotten all of my college friends interested in designing their own superheros, that I may as well use this idea for my NaNoWriMo story. That's National Novel Writing Month for those of you who aren't total writing nerds.

This means I'll have to throw out anything that's not technically character design, but hey. I like to think that I'll be okay with that. Also, I need a plot outline as soon as possible.

Alrighty. I'll write more on another day. Good night. :)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Phase One of Operation: Superhero is complete.

The following document was smuggled out of Sicera Corporation's D.C. laboratories. It documents the Case Study of Harrison Given, a.k.a the vigilante Pulse.

Click the link to access the file. Please note that the information within is confidential and that you have been hand-selected to receive this file.

Link: Case File 8861

Thank you for your cooperation. This message will self destruct after reading.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


So right now I'm about halfway through the season 2 premier of Glee and I just have to talk about it, so I'm going to leave this draft up and type about it as I go. Obviously if you don't understand that this means spoilers, then you deserve to read on and have it spoiled.

Already, I've got some exclamations to make.
1) Will is working with Sue Sylvester! What!?
2) I don't like the Beast, because you're not supposed to like the Beast, but I kinda like the Beast. If you get what I mean. Do you?
3) I like the new kids so far. But the blond guy has a fish mouth. That's all I'm going to say about that.

It's already got me laughing. I'm so glad it's back. Sigh.

Okay, now Will is taking the natural course of action...not being Sue. This is good. But also, since I don't really like Will all that much, it's got me confused.


I'm also amazed at the way Sue Sylvester can talk about "juicy, vine-ripened chest fruit" on television. Mehehehe.

Alright, on the whole the episode started out as a fun reminder of the show I missed this summer. But then it just turned into a negative ball of suck, essentially ruining some lives and making drama in the club. Not really my favorite way to start off a new season. We can ease into the problems, you know. Not get them all slapped into our faces at once.

But whatever. I saw the preview for next week and...err...really? Spears? I don't know if I can handle that. We'll see.

Alrighty then, I'm all done here. Blog more later. AHHHH.

Monday, September 20, 2010

My Pandora station is Piano.

This is an important message on Pizza and reading. Watch it.

School is hard and keeps me busy. I will blog about my superhero later this week. I am still very excited, just tiredly so.

Have you ever played Tales of Symphonia? I have. Some of my friends have as well. We are going to start a new multiplayer game soon and spend a whole weekend or two trying to play through it from beginning to end. I am tiredly excited about that as well. It will be epic. Unfortunately, my friend and co-nerd Bri is a freshman, and so has a 1:00am curfew on weekends, so we're not going to be able to pull any all-nighters to do this. I am decidedly more upset about this than my mother would be.

 Okey dokey. Bed time.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Some superheros have real problems.

So in the process of designing a superhero to call my very own, I have encountered a few obstacles that seem, at the moment, insurmountable. Surmounting them calls for me to stop being lazy, and for me to have money, respectively.

I suppose I could start by revealing the costume design for my hero. Nothing like a visual spoiler to get people pumped up about something that they know nothing about.

Obviously, his name is Pulse. I realize that the photo of the sketch (I don't own a scanner) that I drew in class on notebook paper doesn't quite look just right when digitized. And yes, the curly hair plus mask looks a bit more clownish than I had hoped. But what kind of hero has time to straighten his hair? That's just cruel. It's not my fault that tight curly hair isn't fashionable in the superhero world.

Anywho, I have a back story and of course an explanation of his superpowers, but that will have to wait for another day. Right now my problem is finding a means for my hero to get from place to place in an expedient manner without the use of magic, and as of yet I am loathe to give him something as hackneyed as a "Pulse-mobile" or the inexplicable ability to fly. And he sure as heck isn't going to ride along on a segway, no matter how cool it would be to have one in real life.

I also have to secure a mask like that in the drawing, which so far is either far too expensive or far too complicated to make. So those are my hang ups right now. Other than that, Pulse is coming along splendidly. I have the rest of the simple costume down, and the powers and story are coming together in a fairly straightforward manner. My partner in vigilantism, Courtney on tumblr from Georgia, is simultaneously designing and working through her own kinks and I am very excited to see what she comes up with.

In other news, there was a show about ridiculous riots that happened in public and displayed some of the idiotic things that people will do because of mob mentality. Not surprisingly, many of the riots were because of - you guessed it - soccer. This just amplifies my distaste for professional sports and the religious following that they amass. Join me in my distaste! Muahahaha.

Now that you think as little of sports as I do, we can be friends.

I know this has been an extremely eventful post, what with an entire drawing and all, but I have Greek prepositions and their phrases to practice, so goodnight.